Excessive Tardies and Absences
ABSENCES: When a student is absent from school the parent/guardian must contact the school in advance or at the time of any absence. Absences that are not reported by a parent/guardian within 24 HOURS will be counted as unexcused. Once you have 18 absences you may be excluded from end of year activities.
TARDIES: 18 excused or unexcused tardies will result in loss of participation in end of year activities. Tardies will only be considered excused for appointments or emergencies, when the parent/guardian comes in with the student.
Students that are getting checked out early at the end of the day will be counted as a tardy.
Attendance Information
Attendance Is The Key to Success...
Good attendance is so important to your child's school career. It is extremely important when your child is absent that a parent call the attendance line to report the absence. You can reach the attendance line by dialing 348-7030 and pressing 1 when prompted.
If your child will be absent because of an illness or an appointment, a doctor's note is required to excuse the absence.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns about your child's attendance. Our attendance clerk is Becca Goodman. You can reach her by calling 348-7038.